Money holds importance in everyone's life. Most importantly if not all then to cater some requirements one needs cash. Any sudden financial deficit due to arrival of an urgent expense may trouble you without notification and to deal with it effectively you need funds which you may not posses. Thus to help you deal with sudden and short fiscal problems easily cash loans are offered in market. You can easily cover a small financial deficit quickly as the cash loans are approved immediately within short time span.
Cash loans can be secured for meeting various day to day or unexpected expenses like:-
Medical treatment
Car repair
School fee
Grocery bills
Buying stationary
If you are having poor credit records like CCJs, arrears, IVA, bankruptcy, skipped payments and late payments even then you can apply for cash loans. There is no credit check needed for the loan approval.
You can borrow a loan amount within a range of £100-£1500 for a short repayment term of 15-31 days. The loan amount is offered at slightly higher interest rates as they are short term in nature. If you are anxious about higher rates then you shop around the market well to grab a better rate deal. To be eligible for cash loans you should fulfill the pre requisite criteria that requires you to be at least 18 years or above, having a valid bank account and earning on regular basis.
Applying for loan is not that difficult now days. The online application facilitates you with easy form to apply and fast processing. You can grab a lower and lucrative deal suiting your needs easily.
The approval of cash loans comes really fast as they involve negligible formalities. The absence of paperwork, faxing formality and credit check allow faster processing. The funds are approved within a day.
Charly Groom is associated with Cash Loan Services. He is Masters in Business Administration and writes on various finance related topics. To find cash loans, cash advance loans, fast cash loans, bad credit cash loans visit
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Blog Archive
- Cash Loans - Alleviate Your Small Fiscal Problems
- Trojan Remover
- Display Google Adsense on “Allowed Sites” Only
- Surveys
- Jembatan Suramadu
- What is Pay Per Click?
- Make Money with Google Adsense
- Google Adsense TOS
- Google Adsense Login Error
- Succeed With Google Adsense
- You realize that Google AdSense has the ability to...
- Autism
- Memory Installation for Computer
- Infomation About HDMI
- Infomation About Bios
- Computer
Cash Loans - Alleviate Your Small Fiscal Problems
Labels: Finace
Trojan Remover
Do you want to download a Trojan horse virus remover to get rid of the viruses in your PC? These Trojans usually exist as small executable files (.exe) and usually enter a computer through the internet. They enter your system either when you have downloaded an infected file or if you have visited a malicious website. They can also spread through storage devices like CD ROMs and thumb drives as well as through online email attachments.
1. What Harm Can a Trojan Horse Virus Do to a PC User?
They are very dangerous because they can lower the computer's security to allow hackers to gain access to the PC. Hackers gain what is called backdoor entry access to the system and they can then wreck havoc. For example, they can spread viruses to the contacts of the user or steal sensitive and confidential information from the user like credit card information, usernames and passwords.
2. What Are the Uses of Downloading a Trojan Horse Virus Remover?
This type of specialized software is able to fully scan your computer and provide a report of all the viruses and other malware found. It can then proceed to remove all the malicious viruses and files and leave your computer running like new again. When running, they can also deter future attacks and will warn the user whenever any suspicious files are about to be downloaded into the computer.
3. Examples of Computer Trojan Horse Virus
The Trojan Vundo B and its variants will cause advertisement tabs to appear on your browser. They also cause pop ups to appear while you surf the web. Other Trojans include the and Trojan Horse dropper.heliosb.
Are you looking to download Trojan Horse Virus Remover? Don't do it yet, because the author has found many bad spyware and Trojan cleaning software on the web
Articles By Donald Chambers
Read More..............
Labels: Computer
Display Google Adsense on “Allowed Sites” Only
What happens when some site banned by Google copies your content, along with your Google Adsense codes and displays ads on their site. Google would not be too happy. Now you can identify the URLs that are allowed to display Google ads for your account. “We’ve added the Allowed Sites feature because we’ve learned that some AdSense publishers are concerned about potentially malicious behavior from others on the web, such as stealing their ad code and placing it on an inappropriate site. By offering this feature, we allow AdSense publishers more control over which sites or URLs can have their AdSense code.” It will take a few hours for the changes to take effect. Remember, you will not receive earnings if other sites list them, so be sure to keep your list up to date. Determine all your domains that host Adsense ads and list them. If you do not change any settings, by default, they allow any site to show ads for your account. However, Amit is not setting Allowed sites, and explains some valid reasons for the same. “A part of traffic coming to this site originates from Google/Yahoo cache (when the main site is inaccessible), online translation services like Babelfish (for non-English visitors) and from proxy servers (where the site may be banned). And some social sites / web directories display external content inside frames. With Adsense Whitelist in place, you miss an opportunity to monetize this indirect traffic.” Of course if someone is misusing your Adsense publisher ID, then you have to enable the features. In normal circumstances, will you set Allowed sites for your Adsense account?
Login to your Adsense account, go to Adsense Setup Allowed Sites - and you can choose your whitelist sites and either allow all sites or list specific sites. Once you activate your listed sites, ads will still show on other sites, but impressions and clicks will not be recorded, nor will you earn any money for those clicks.
What was the need to create a Allowed Sites list?
Labels: Adsense
One way the money is on the internet with the PPS (pay per survey) why we essentially paid the manager to give treatment to the way we make or on the web site that has been provided, many sites that the site survey at this time offering a satisfactory income one of them is survey in the first member is directly give the bonus of 24 dollars after the survey was extended each site once a month will appear, for this program I do not like to wait because the web will be viewed very long one if you want to try to find it there AW surveys have several ways to raise money with refferal increase as much as possible sebar your refferal link in the forum via email or your blog disbursement of money can be made after reaching $ 75 with alertpay ... it's just click here for registration sign up
Labels: make money
Jembatan Suramadu
(gambar Jembatan Suramadu Diambil dari sisi madura)
Labels: gallery
What is Pay Per Click?
Pay per click otherwise known as PPC (pay per click) is a marketing strategy put in place by search engines. PPC advertising works by placing an advert on search results for specific words which are relevant to the website you are advertising generally placed in the right hand column on the Google search engine. When some one clicks on the advert the website which they get directed to get charged a specific payment amount which is agreed by the website company and the PPC advertiser.To advertise on the search engine it costs the website nothing, however for every click on the advert a specific payment is charged. Google ad words are an example of a pay per click advertising program following from Google is Yahoo and MSN live and Ask. It is relatively easy to start a pay per click campaign, firstly sign up to a PPC advertising program like Google, which I would advise since they are very well known and provide an excellent service. After signing up to your PPC advertising company, you should now have a basic budget in mind of how much you would like to spend on the campaign. You then need to choose your keywords, I would do a lot of research on what keywords to choose, which are most relevant to your website and which generally get searched the most, which are the most popular. The price of keywords can range from $0.01 to $5.00 there has been known cases where keywords have been priced higher, however as a general guideline you will be expected to pay anything in between that amount. Well thats all, i wish you good luck and i hope you use this site again.How To Use Google Adsense
Google Adsense is an advertising program which allows users to monetize their websites by placing keyword relevant adverts on their websites. The adverts from which you place on your websites are generated from Google’s advertising program ‘Google Ad words’ a pay per click marketing strategy
The way this works is through visitors surfing your website, which then click on the adverts displayed after then being directed to the advertised website you get paid by Google an undisclosed percentage of the revenue. Both users benefit from using these programs, the Google Ad sense user, as they profit from the click the visitor made, and the Google Ad words user as they receive exposure of their site to the target market.Google Ad sense is easy to set up, and is a great little earner, for what takes ten minutes to set up and optimize you can easily cover your website hosting costs and usually much more.Here is the link for Google Ad sure to read Google’s terms of conditions though, as there are many rather strict rules and guidelines which you must obey unless your account will get suspended.The most obvious yet popular are: 1. Payments are made monthly, by cheque or direct in to your bank account, you need at least $100 to receive your cheque and it usually gets sent 30 days after the end of the first month in which you make $100. 2. You can not entice or tell people to click the adverts.
Labels: Adsense
Make Money with Google Adsense
Google Adsense provides an easy way to website publishers of all sizes to earn some nice extra money by displaying ads on their websites. The ads displayed by the Adsense program are related to the content available on the page and so, the ads are related to what the users are looking for on your site. How much you earn per click depends on how much the advertisers are willing to pay. Some keywords can get you few dollars per click whereas some keywords will get you few cents per click. So, Adsense provides an easy way to earn money without any extra work.How to get started with Google Adsense to start making profits?
1. In order to get started with Google Adsense, you need to sign up for a Google Adsense account and this will only take a few minutes.
2. Once your application is reviewed and accepted, you will receive the login details and then you can get the code for the ads from your account. You can choose from different ad formats and colors. Place the code on as many pages, websites you want and the ads will start displaying on your websites. Also, make sure you follow the rules mentioned in the Adsense TOS.
3. After you insert the code, you can monitor the statistics in your account. You will earn few cents to few dollars when someone clicks an ad. Try to make some changes in the ad placement and monitor its effect. Analyze the details to improve your earnings. Also, Adsense earnings can be checked anytime by logging into your Adsense account.Google Adsense seems to be an easy way to earn money but you need to maintain your patience as it can take some good amount of time to get the things going. If you want to increase your Adsense earnings then you need to concentrate on a number of factors like useful content, traffic, keywords, ad placements and more. How to increase your Google Adsense earnings?
1. It is advisable to choose one topic per page. Choose a topic and write some useful content on it with targeted phrases. The Adsense program will then serve relevant ads which will improve the click-through rate.
2. Try to customize your ads so that they fit perfectly in your website layout. Adsense program offer different ad formats and color schemes to choose from. Try to make your ads more appealing so that people can find them and click them.
3. Google Adsense program offer different ad formats and so, you should try to use the one which best fits your website layout. You should test different ad placements for different periods and then use the one which gets the maximum exposure and clicks
4. Try to build several content-based pages with your desired keyword phrases. You will get more traffic by building more pages and hopefully, will get more clicks as well. At the end, Google Adsense is a nice program to earn some extra money from website but you need to maintain your patience as it can take some time to get things going.
Labels: Adsense
Google Adsense TOS
1. Never click your own adsense ads or get them clicked for whatever reason. You know this one very well. This is a surefire way to close you Adsense account. Never tell your office associates or friends to click on them. Keep a check if your family or children are busy increasing your income by clicking your ads and indirectly trying to stop your income. Dont even think of offering incentives for clicks, using automated clicking tools, or other deceptive software. Adsense is very smart to detect fraudulent clicks. Check the ads which appear on your pages by the Google Preview tool if required.
2. Never change the Adsense code. There are enough means of adsense optimization & customizations available to change the colour, background or border to suit your needs. Do whatever you want to do outside the code, never fiddle within the ad or the search code. They know it when you do. The search code has more limitations to colour and placement, but you should adhere to the rules. The code may stop working and violates the TOS.
3. Do not place more than 3 ad units and 3 ad links or 2 adsense search boxes on any web page. Anyway, ads will not appear in those units even if you place more ad units. But this is the limit they set, so it is better to stick to it.
4. Do not run competitive contextual text ad or search services on the same site which offer Google Adsense competition in their field. Never try to create link structures resembling the adsense ads. Never use other competitive search tools on the same pages which have Adsense powered Google search. They do allow affiliate or limited-text links. Update: Google has allowed you to run contextual advertising like Yahoo ads, Chitika etc provided the ads do not resemble Adsense ads.
5. Do not disclose confidential information about your account like the CTR, CPM and income derived via individual ad units or any other confidential information they may reveal to you. However, you may reveal the total money you make as per recent updates to the TOS.
6. Label headings as “sponsored links” or “advertisements” only. Other labels are not allowed. I have seen many sites label ads with other titles. Dont make your site a target in a few seconds gaze.
7. Never launch a New Page for clicked ads by default. Adsense ads should open on the same page. You may be using a base target tag to open all links in a new window or frame by default. Correct it now as they do not want new pages opening from clicked ads.
8. One Account suffices for Multiple websites. You do not need to create 5 accounts for 5 different websites. One account will do. If you live in the fear that if one account is closed down for violation of TOS, believe me they will close all accounts when they find out. You can keep track of clicks by using channels with real time statistics. They will automatically detect the new site and display relevant ads.
9. Place ads only on Content Pages. Advertisers pay only for content based ads. Content drives relevant ads. Although you might manage some clicks from error, login, registration, “thank you” or welcome pages, parking pages or pop ups, it will get you out of the program.
10. Do not mask ad elements. Alteration of colours and border is a facility to blend or contrast ads as per your site requirements. I have seen many sites where the url part is of the same colour as the background. While blending the ad with your site is a good idea, hiding relevant components of the ads is not allowed. Also do not block the visibility of ads by overlapping images, pop ups, tables etc.
11. Do not send your ads by email. Html formatted emails look good and allow placement of these javascript ads. But it is not allowed as per TOS. You do not want impressions registering on their logs from any email even once. They are watching!
12. Keep track of your content. So Adsense is not allowed on several non content pages. But it is also not allowed on several content pages too. Do not add it on web pages with MP3, Video, News Groups, and Image Results. Also exclude any pornographic, hate-related, violent, or illegal content.
13. Do not alter the results after ad clicks or searches - Ensure you are not in any way altering the site which the user reaches to after clicking the ads. Do not frame, minimize, remove, redirect or otherwise inhibit the full and complete display of any Advertiser Page or Search Results Page after the user clicks on any Ad or Search results.
14. Avoid excessive advertising and keyword stuffing - Although the definition of ‘excessive’ is a gray area and is subject to discretion, yet Google adsense with correct placement, focused content and high traffic will get you much more income than other programs, so excessive advertising is not required. Keyword stuffing does target better focused ads, but overdoing it is not required.
15. Ensure you Language is Supported - Adsense supports “Chinese (simplified), Japanese, Danish, Korean, Dutch, Norwegian, English, Polish, Finnish, Portuguese, French, Russian, German, Spanish, Hungarian, Swedish, Italian and Turkish”. In addition, AdSense for search is available in Czech, Slovak, and Traditional Chinese. If your web pages language is not supported, do not use the code on such pages.
16. Maximum 2 referral button per product per page - With the launch of the google adsense referral program, you are allowed to put only 2 referral buttons for adsense referral, adwords referral, Google pack and Firefox with google toolbar referral. Update: This feature is closing Aug 2008.
17. Do not specify Google ads as your alternate ads. - Several services like Chitika eminimalls allow you to place alternate urls, when a targeted paying ad cannot be displayed. This involved creating an simple html page and putting the ad to be displayed instead. Even Adsense allows an alternate url feature instead of displaying public service ads. But never use Adsense ads as alternate urls.
18. Do not confuse with adjacent images - It was a common policy to increase CTR by placing same number of images as the number of text ads, which falsely gave the impression that the text ads represented an explanation to these images. Inserting a small space or a line between the images and ads is not allowed. Make sure that the ads and images are not arranged in a way that could easily mislead or confuse your visitors. More.
Whenever in doubt, it is better to ask for adsense help from the learned staff of Google Adsense. They are very helpful!
Labels: Adsense
Google Adsense Login Error
I often have Google Adsense login errors when I try to login to my Adsense account. Despite being sure that the username (email) and password are correct, I am unable to login several times. Google has now clarified why it occurs…
“Welcome! You’re signed in to Google Accounts under the email [your email address] and your Google Account password, but this is not a valid AdSense login.” - This is the message you usually get even when you login with the correct email and Adsense password, and you wonder if your account got hacked or something.
Thankfully Adsense clarifies why this error occurs.
If you’re seeing this error message, this means your AdSense account shares the same login and password as a Google Account, but the two accounts are not linked. As a result, when you try logging in at, our system will only grant you access to your Google Account — not your AdSense account. To resolve this issue, you’ll need to maintain two separate passwords.
Then they suggest the solution too. Log out of Google Accounts like Gmail or AdWords. Request a new AdSense passwordwith your login email address. They send a reset link to that email and you choose a new unique password and login back into Adsense account with a new password. Thats all.
You will now have to maintain 2 passwords, till they migrate all AdSense accounts over to Google Accounts! I am sure lots of Adsense publishers like me must be having these errors, so its great they identified the issue and clarified it.
Labels: Adsense
Succeed With Google Adsense
In simple terms, AdSense is a program run by Google in which advertisements are placed on websites. The owners of websites can elect to join this program with the object of adding advertisements in the form of text, images, and even video onto their sites. The whole process is free and is run entirely by Google. Revenue is generated on either a pay-per-click or pay-per-impression basis.
Google studies the website content, looks at which part of the country the user resides, and considers a number of other factors in order to determine which advertisements are most suitable. By way of Google's own AdWords system, it is possible to place paid advertisements which are targeted in much the same way as AdSense.
Previously, a common method of internet advertising was by the use of banners, which consist of inserting an advertisement into the web page in the form of a GIF or JPEG image, JavaScript program or multimedia object employing technologies such as, Java, Shockwave or Flash. However, AdSense has taken the lead over banners since this type of advertising is less intrusive, and the content of the advertisements is often more relevant to the website.
AdSense uses a code, based on JavaScript, in order to position the advertisements onto the website of the registered user. As soon as the advertisements are added to the participating website, AdSense will display advertisements that are focused on non profit organisations, such as charitable causes, until the website has been crawled. Crawling or spidering is used by search engines as a means of creating a copy of all the visited pages. Other uses for crawlers include automating certain necessary tasks on a website, such as determining if there are any broken links or whether the HTML code needs validating. A Googlebot is a search bot, or automated script, used by Google to collect information from the internet to build a searchable index for the Google search engine.
Many websites use AdSense in order to generate income form the content of the site. One of the great benefits of AdSense has been the fact that small websites that do not have the resources for developing advertising sales programs are still able to generate advertising revenue.
In order to fill a website with advertisements that are related to the nature of its content, a brief script is added to the websites' pages. Websites that contain a wealth of relevant content have been very successful with AdSense since it is the content that is a principal determinate.
There are a number of ways in which AdSense revenue can be maximised, some of which include the following:
Use is made of a wide range of techniques to maximise web traffic, which is determined by the number of visitors to the website and the number of pages they visit. Sites closely observe the movement of traffic to see which parts or pages of their site are popular. They also look for trends in viewing characteristics in order to closely define the traffic they are receiving.
Ensure that valuable content is added to the websites which in turn will attract AdSense advertisements that generate income when they are clicked by the viewers of the site.
The text used on websites and the style of the narrative should be such as to encourage visitors to click on advertisements. It must be remembered that a typical visitor may only view a particular site for only a few seconds before moving on, so instant impact by the content is essential.
The income available by way of AdSense is generated solely by the AdWords program. The advertiser submits a sealed bid for the advertisement. When a visitor clicks on an advertisement, the advertiser only pays a monetary equivalent of slightly more than the second-highest bid.
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Labels: PPC
You realize that Google AdSense has the ability to make you some decent extra income. And, actually you might begin to think like some others who have done it, that you can make a living off of AdSense revenue.
Some do make a full time income from AdSense. However, I would point out that they are in the minority. Regardless, you can make extra money by adding AdSense to your websites and blogs.
Many folks start their businesses with their passion or interests in mind and then just add AdSense to it which helps subsidize what they're making online otherwise. This is what the majority of people do.
Now, there are others who wish to aim higher and earn a living from AdSense. This is possible but you have to think smart and look for hot niches and markets. You also have to work harder or smarter to get the necessary traffic to your sites and blogs
Google AdSense Top Paying Keyword
For those that are looking to maximize their income from AdSense without guessing as to what might profitable there is often a question around how to find the highest paying AdSense keywords.
How do you find them? Well interestingly enough their are other websites devoted to providing lists of top paying Google AdSense keywords. So you can check those out and see if they can help. Some may have outdated lists and other sites will have a product to sell you. This might be the best way to go and that will be up to you to choose.
If you don't have much cash to begin with or you just like to go on your own, then you create sites and blogs that have high paying keywords anyway. You just need to use head and look around and see what is popular and what sells. You'll be able to think of things almost instantly. A couple of examples are credit cards and cellphones. You know both are always in demand and with that said, advertisers will pay a lot to get a their ads out there.
I hope this has been helpful and good luck in your search.
Why doesn't my child do that?" You think to yourself as you watch the other kids play together at the birthday party.
Your stomach twists into a knot and you try and dismiss it. You've already discussed your fears with your pediatrician. Children reach milestones at different times and he believes your child is fine. But you're a Mom. Something is wrong! You can feel it in your gut!
You get on-line, looking for reassurance that your child is fine. The more you read the more confused you get. In some ways, your child appears to be developing typically. But in others he's totally off base. As you search the strange behaviors your child sometimes exhibits, the word suddenly pops out at you....AUTISM.
The blood drains from your face and you feel like you're about to faint. The pit of your stomach feels like lead. "It can't be autism" you think to yourself. "He's far too smart. Besides, don't people with autism rock in a corner all day?"
Frantically, you begin searching on-line for the word "autism". Other words keep appearing like "pdd-nos", "Asperger syndrome" and "hyperlexia." This is overwhelming. "A simple definition, that's what I need," you tell yourself.And you find one. In fact, you find hundreds and they all say the same thing. Terms like "stereotyped or idiosyncratic language" and "persistent preoccupation with parts of objects."
You stare blankly at the screen. What on earth does all this mean? Tears begin to roll down your cheeks. "I just want to know if my child is OK. Why can't there be a simple definition? Why isn't there something that will tell me right away if my child has autism?"
Every child is unique but we'll do our best to help. The following descriptions portray some COMMON behaviors in children on the spectrum. It's unlikely that your child will display all of these. However, if you're concerned enough to be reading this and you can relate to some of the descriptions below, I recommend you get an evaluation right away!
Your child has an unusual method of play. Toys are played with in the same way and there is very little imaginative play. Your child might repeatedly make his train go around the track and then crash into a tree. Any suggestions to alter this are usually rejected. Even though your house might resemble a mini Toys 'R Us, it strikes you as odd that your child prefers spinning the stroller wheels to all his toys. You might also find that he spends large amounts of time lining things up. Cars go next to each other, side by side. Crayons are lined up together, sometimes in size order. Stuffed animals are arranged in a row. Disturbing any of his arrangements can cause extreme distress and your child will insist on fixing it.
Your child is happily playing with his train. While a typical child will constantly turn around to see what you think, your child is interested in his toy, not your reaction. Typical children constantly bring you things, point to things and show you things. Children on the autism spectrum might bring you a toy because they want you to wind it up constantly, but they're not interested in what you think about it. They are simply getting their needs met so they can continue their game.
Children with autism typically have delayed speech. They might not be verbal at all, saying very few words and making sounds. Some children might have a lot of words but not use them in a typical manner. You might find your child "echoing" words that you say. He might repeat lines from movies over and over. He might label objects but not string words together. For example he might say words like "juice" but not "I want juice." Your child might understand exactly what you are saying but isn't able to express what he wants. He might drag you to the fridge if he's thirsty rather than ask you for juice. He may get pronouns mixed up and when asked a question like "Are you hungry?" might respond by saying "You're hungry" rather than "Yes, I'm hungry."
While most people don't pay attention to the number of airplanes that fly over their house every day, your child might notice every one of them. He is either fascinated by the noise or he blocks his ears because it's too loud. You've also noticed that he has selective hearing. He often doesn't seem to hear his name or look up when you call him.
Jene Aviram is a major player in the field of autism. She is one of the co-founders of Natural Learning Concepts. Her work has been published in many renowned magazines. She is known for inspiring and helping all those affected by the autism spectrum. Visit her website for some great resources
Labels: info
Memory Installation for Computer
Check System Manual for the available upgrade path & specific information to your particular system.
Before touching any electronic components, make sure you are properly grounded. By wearing a wrist strap (or using some other type of static control device), you can prevent static electricity stored on your body or clothing from damaging your computer.
Disconnect your computer from its power source. To be safe, unplug the power cord.
Always exercise caution when removing the cover of your system. Please refer to your system manual for proper instructions.
Memory bays are comprised of single or multiple memory sockets. The location of the memory expansion socket may vary with each computer manufacturer. Please refer to your system manual for the location of the memory bays.
For systems supporting the Dual-Channel memory feature, be sure to follow the system manufacturer’s guidelines for proper installation sequence.
Memory sockets may vary with each manufacturer. Most systems require that the memory upgrade be seated within the socket at a 90-degree angle or upright position.Some systems require the memory upgrade within the socket at a 45-degree angle or tilted position. Please refer to your system manual for installation instructions.
To install the memory upgrade, hold it on both ends and position it in the socket. The DIMM will be notched to match the DIMM socket; the socket will have the key(s) to match the notch between the gold contacts on the DIMM. This notch/key ensures the module can be plugged into the socket only one way. Firmly push the memory upgrade directly down into the socket, making certain the module is completely seated in the socket. The ejector tabs at each end of the socket will automatically snap into the locked position. Repeat this procedure for any additional modules you are installing.
Once you have installed your memory upgrade, please refer to your system manual for proper set-up configuration instructions. Some systems will automatically recognize the additional memory. Some systems may require that you run the system set-up configuration utility. Most systems will configure memory automatically.
Labels: Computer
Infomation About HDMI
HDMI stands for High-Definition Multimedia Interface. It is the first and only industry-supported, uncompressed, all-digital audio/video interface. By delivering crystal-clear, all-digital audio and video via a single cable, HDMI dramatically simplifies cabling and helps provide consumers with the highest-quality home theater experience. HDMI provides an interface between any audio/video source, such as a set-top box, DVD player, or A/V receiver and an audio and/or video monitor, such as a digital television (DTV), over a single cable.
HDMI supports standard, enhanced, or high-definition video, plus multi-channel digital audio on a single cable. It transmits all ATSC HDTV standards and supports 8-channel, 192kHz, uncompressed digital audio and all currently-available compressed formats (such as Dolby Digital and DTS), HDMI 1.3 adds additional support for new lossless digital audio formats Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio with bandwidth to spare to accommodate future enhancements and requirements.
The Standard
HDMI is the de facto standard digital interface for HD and the consumer electronics market: More than 700 companies have become adopters, and nearly 200 million devices featuring HDMI are expected to ship in 2008, with an installed based of nearly one billion HDMI devices by 2010 (conservative estimates by In-Stat).
HDMI is the interface for convergence of PC and consumer electronics devices: HDMI enables PCs to deliver premium media content including high definition movies and multi-channel audio formats. HDMI is the only interface enabling connections to both HDTVs and digital PC monitors implementing the DVI and HDMI standards.
HDMI is continually evolving to meet the needs of the market: Products implementing new versions of the HDMI specification will continue to be fully backward compatible with earlier HDMI products.
The Market Adopts HDMI
HDMI has become so successful, so quickly, because it meets the needs of all facets of the Consumer Electronics and PC ecosystem. Manufacturers now have an all digital pipeline from the source material to the display; content providers have an interface that protects their intellectual property; and consumers have and easy-to-use, high quality, plug-and-play interface for their home entertainment environment.
HDMI Benefits
Quality: HDMI maintains the audio in its pure digital form all the way to the amplifier. Analog audio connections are more prone to losses depending on the cabling and other electronics of the audio rendering device. Compared to SPDIF connections, HDMI has significantly more bandwidth, allowing it to support the latest lossless audio formats such as Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HS Master Audio. These formats can not be supported over SPDIF connections due to their very high data rate requirements that exceed the capabilities of SPDIF. Please also see section on HDMI 1.3 for further details on Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio formats.
Ease of Use: HDMI combines video and multi-channel audio into a single cable, eliminating the cost, complexity, and confusion of multiple cables currently used in A/V systems. This is particularly beneficial when equipment is being upgraded or added.
Intelligence: HDMI supports two-way communication between the audio source (such as a DVD player) and the audio rendering device (such as an A/V receiver), enabling new functionality such as automatic configuration and one-touch play. By using HDMI, devices automatically deliver the most effective format (e.g. Dolby Digital vs. 2-channel PCM) for the A/V receiver that it is connected to - eliminating the need for the consumer to scroll through all the audio format options to guess what is best and properly supported.
A New Interface
With the advent of high-definition content, analog interfaces were becoming increasingly limited in their ability to deliver the highest quality, high-definition content.
HDMI has no conversion or compression of signals:
With the delivery of 1080p content, analog interfaces are nearing the end of their ability to deliver high-definition content without highly compressing the signal, which can result in loss of data and signal quality. HDMI has the bandwidth to send uncompressed video so there is no loss of data or signal quality
Content Protection allows access to HD content:
Content providers, including all the major movie studios, have been clear that much of the studio content will not be released in high-definition over unprotected analog interfaces. They have designated HDMI and/or DVI as the only interfaces that will be allowed to carry this new HD content.
HDMI Digital allows two-way communication:
HDMI supports two-way communication between the video source (such as a DVD player) and the DTV, enabling new functionality such as automatic configuration and one-touch play. By using HDMI, devices automatically deliver the most effective format (e.g. 480p vs. 720p, 16:9 vs. 4:3) for the display that it is connected to - eliminating the need for the consumer to scroll through all the format options to guess what looks best.
Labels: info
Infomation About Bios
With today's rapid pace of design advancement, new product updates come fast and furious. This is especially true of board-level products, like Motherboards, Video Cards, GPU Processor Cards, and other main edge connector products. The good news is that manufacturers have designed in the ability to easily update your product BIOS, which is sometimes important for full compatibility. So before installing or combining components, it is always a good idea to check your product's current BIOS revision against the manufacturer's website, to determine if an update is needed, or advisable. The manufacturer's documentation will guide you through this process if it is necessary. However, remember that most products are designed to be plug-n-play out of the box!
But What Is BIOS?
Most electronic devices, from computers to MP3 players have software embedded in their hardware. These are programs that tell the device how it will function - from basic to advanced functions - so that it knows how to start, and perform the most simple and complex tasks it was designed for.We call this software the BIOS (sometimes also called Firmware). In computer jargon, BIOS stands for "Basic Input/Output System", but in reality, there is very little "basic" about it. In your computer's motherboard for example, it tells your computer how to: start up; communicate with hardware components, such as hard drives and video; how to move data in and out of memory; and even talk to your USB connected devices. Without your BIOS, your device is JOOL (just out of luck!).
Keep in mind that changing a PC's BIOS settings incorrectly can cause the PC to malfunction. If this happens, a BIOS reset is usually available, and will need to be performed to return the BIOS to the default "factory settings." This is usually activated by a jumper on the motherboard. [Warning: always read your motherboard or system manual thoroughly, before upgrading your BIOS, or making BIOS setting changes!] Though normally, most incorrect settings should have no negative affect on your PC, but please follow each step explicitly since some can.
Remember: It is recommended that you reboot after each individual BIOS setting change to ensure that your system functions normally. If you make numerous changes before rebooting, and your system will no longer boot, you won't know which change is responsible for the failure.
Updating Your BIOS
Before you consider updating your BIOS, be sure you need to - not every update will be needed or even benefit you. Also be sure you are up to the technical challenges you will face. Changing the version of BIOS stored in your computer or motherboard is not the kind of activity recommended for novice users. To perform this successfully, you need to be comfortable and familiar with your BIOS settings, and be able to download and apply the BIOS Update without issue. For this reason, it is best to let professional computer technicians do this work for you, if or when it is needed. However, if you know what you are doing, it is a fairly easy task.
Before Updating BIOS, consider the following:
* The reasons for updating your BIOS - frequently, updating is unnecessary
* Identifying your BIOS chip - if replacing is the approach required
* Replacing your BIOS chip - this requires significant care, and can void your warranty
* Locating your latest BIOS version - required for any update
* Flashing your BIOS - make sure you have a UPS!
* Live update - great for minor or quick updates - again a UPS is vital - a partial update can make your system inoperative
* Configuring your new BIOS settings - read the manual! twice for good measure!
Labels: Computer
What do you need to build your own custom computer? Believe it or not, it's not as complicated as it seems. There are ten basic steps to building the perfect PC: Install A Minimum Of 2GB Of Memory
1. Choose Your Processor First
2. Then Choose The Motherboard
3. Then Choose The Case & Power Supply
4. Then Choose Your Components
5. Prepare Your Workspace
6. Then Assemble Your Computer
7. Power On & Test
8. Install The Operating System
9. Install Updated Drivers
10. Install Application Software
The processor you choose usually determines which motherboard you select: Motherboards are designed to work with specific CPUs, indicated by the type of socket that the processor fits into. For
example: Socket A, Socket 939, and Socket 940 are designed to work with Athlon processors, while Socket 478 and the new LGA socket 775 are for Intel CPUs. Many resellers offer bundles consisting of a processor, a motherboard, and memory; these can be a good way to save some money, and make the selection and compatibility process vastly easier.
Get the best processor & motherboard
you can afford
The system chip set (the chips that pass data between the peripherals and the CPU) is the other component that differs among motherboards; it determines which integrated components (graphics, sound, Ethernet, etc.) will be included. Though integrated graphics aren't generally as good as dedicated cards, they're usually adequate for simple office tasks (home users will probably want separate Video Adaptors for game playing).
The variety of computer cases is staggering, with hundreds of styles, shapes and sizes available. We recommend that you look closely at the features. Some gorgeous PC cases are nightmares to work with, or are cheaply built.
Get the best case you can afford!
We recommend you ask for "tool-less" case design, which enables you to click > open, click > closed. Most cases and motherboards use the ATX form factor, standardizing the sizes of the components and all of the power connections. Speaking of power: The right Computer Case can make working with your system a dream, but picking the wrong one will come back to haunt you. Though you can find a case plus power supply for less than $50, it is recommended that you invest a bit more to obtain a case that will last through many upgrades, has a high-quality power supply, and is attractive.
Case Form Factor:
Most cases and motherboards use the ATX form factor (a set of design standards that specify things such as the size of the motherboard and the connectors on the power supply). It's critical that your motherboard match the form factor of your case. Be aware of other standards are available (for example: Shuttle-style cube-shaped systems that come with their own custom motherboard). Check carefully and note the form factor when buying your case.Case Construction:
Steel cases weigh more than aluminum ones, they cost less, and they muffle the noise from components such as hard drives better than aluminum cases do. On the other hand, aluminum boxes tend to be more stylish, and they are certainly easier to carry around.
Case Convenience:
Even the best-looking case will seem ugly if installing your components becomes a pain. Look for helpful features like a removable motherboard tray, tool-less drive carriers (where the hard drives are installed), and multiple fan locations for cooling the system (cooling can be one of the most critical features to ensure the long term health of your PC).
PC Case Included Power Supply:Cheaper cases often come with cut-rate power supplies that may not be up to the task of powering a high-end PC.Some expensive cases don't come with a power supply at all, which lets you choose your own. If you've added a lot of new components to your PC, you may be overtaxing your existing power supply, so look at getting a bigger, better one. Power supplies can cause problems--including random crashes or even component failure--if they are asked to produce more power than they are designed to generate. Reputable manufacturers will typically include a chart of acceptable components. Although many PC cases are sold with a pre-installed power supply, check it carefully - your power requirements may exceed the capacity of the pre-installed unit. How do you know? Here's a quick guide:
Component Wattage Required
Motherboard 15-30
Low-End CPU 20-50
Mid To High-End CPU 40-100
RAM 7 per 128MB
PCI Add-In Card 5
Low To Mid-Range Graphics 20-60
High-End Graphics 60-100
IDE Hard Drive 10-30
Optical Drives 10-25
You may need to purchase a higher-output power supply for your new PC. And remember the air flow, your power supply provides much of the system ventilation and cooling!
Memory: The More, The Better:
Boosting a PC's RAM is one of the most effective hardware enhancements possible. This 5-minute procedure can let you keep more programs open, accelerate memory-hungry graphics programs and games dramatically, and sharpen your PC's responsiveness.
Technology(tm) - Knowledge, Information, and Resources: Technology News, Information Articles, Product Manuals, How To Guides, Brochures and Fact Sheets, Computer Glossary, and Technical EncyclopediaThe memory modules that most recent systems accept are 184-pin DDR2 DIMMs, DDR2 DUAL, and now DDR3 of varying speeds. The type you should buy depends on the motherboard and processor you choose: For best performance, choose the fastest type of memory module that works with both.
Once you've selected a case and power supply, be sure that you have the following items:
- set of screwdrivers (small, large, slot, Phillips), or a PC Tool Kit
- An anti-static wrist strap (is recommended in low humidity environments, but you are safer using one regardless)
- Needle-nosed pliers (great for pulling and installing jumpers)
- CPU (processor) or two
- CPU cooling fan(s) and heat sink(s)
- Sound Card
- Motherboard
- One or more hard drives
- Graphics card (or two CrossFire cards)
- One or more RAM DIMMs (Memory modules)
- An operating system
That's what you need to get started. Now you are ready to begin building your new PC!
These days, anyone can build or upgrade a computer. It's really very simple and it can save you hundreds of dollars.
With little more technical know-how than a typical upgrade requires, you can build a PC yourself from pre-selected compatible parts. Obviously, determining which parts to use is critical to successfully building the perfect PC. Therefore, it is recommended that you buy a complete kit, or seek the authoritative advice to help you choose, and get you started on the right track.
The following is a guide to the main components in a PC, including recommendations for each part (based on your intents and needs for your new system).
Assemble and stage your components carefully. You will be handling sensitive electronics that can be damaged if dropped, or misshandled.
Take Inventory:
Before you start, take inventory of your parts. Don't begin your build when you if you don't have everything you need. Once you've determined you have everything you need, then begin!
Make Space, Make Time:
Building a PC take space - about a dining room table worth. So make sure you have plenty of working room and a few hours to proceed with minimal interruption.
Work on a flat, stable table top surface or bare floor, where you have room to layout all of the items.
Static Electricity Kills:
Please note: that carpeting is potentially dangerous to your computer, as a source for static electricity that can destroy components. Don't assemble your computer on the carpet!
Use an inexpensive antistatic wrist strap (they are often priced at less than 6 bucks) is the perfect preventive measure if you have no alternative to working on carpet. Remember, a table top or bare floor is always the best place to build your system. Make sure you're wearing your antistatic wrist strap correctly (it does you no good at all if you don't wear it!), and you are ready to proceed.
Drivers Ready:
Assuming you have another internet connected PC, download the latest drivers from the vendors' Web sites for each component you'll be installing. Sometimes drivers are updated between the time the component was manufactured and the time you are installing it. It is always best to have the latest. Copy them to a CD for easy access.
Great care should be taken when installing the motherboard. First, take the board out of its packaging and put it on top of the antistatic bag it came in. Remember, you always want to safeguard your components from potentially hazardous static electricity (wear your strap).
* Inspect for defects
* Read the manual
* Install CPU & Memory
Before you secure the motherboard onto the PC case/chassis, inspect it carefully for any visible defects. Next, review the motherboard manual, to make sure you are familiar with the motherboard layout and which socket is which - the manuals are extremely helpful, usually easy to read, and include illustrations. Then, you can install the processor, heat sink and the memory modules on it.
CPU Install:
Use the unlocking mechanism to open the CPU socket - usually a lever. Carefully line up the pins and place the chip in its socket; it will fit only when oriented the proper way. An arrow or a missing pin on one corner of the chip will show you how to line things up. Lower the lever to lock the CPU into place.
CPU Heat Sink:
Next, follow the manufacturer's directions to install the heat sink and the fan that will cool the processor. If you bought an OEM CPU and a separate heat sink, you may need to spread a thin layer of the thermal grease that came with the heat sink over the chip to ensure proper transfer of heat (some heat sinks come with this grease already applied). Attaching the clip that holds the heat sink in place may require a fair amount of force. Again, the instructions that came with the heat sink will show you how to fit it correctly. If you are in doubt, you can visit the manufacturer's website for more information. Plug the CPU fan's power connector into the proper connector on the motherboard.
Install Memory:
In order to install the memory modules, insert them into the proper sockets and push down firmly but evenly until the clips on both sides of the socket pop into place. If your motherboard supports dual-channel memory, consult the user manual to determine which pairs of RAM sockets you should use. The motherboard and the CPU are the brain and nerve center of your PC, so selecting these components is the most important decision you'll make.
Placing The Motherboard Into The Case:
Some PC cases have a removable motherboard tray. If yours does, remove the screws holding it in place and pull it out of the case. Note the pattern of the holes in your motherboard, and screw brass standoffs into the motherboard tray or into the PC case in the correct locations (ALWAYS check the manual and follow their instructions to the letter). Check the layout of the sockets on the motherboard, and confirm that the ports on your motherboard's back panel match the holes on the Case's I/O shield that is installed in your case. If necessary, remove the old I/O shield by tapping it firmly a few times with the butt-end of a screwdriver, and then replace it with the shield that came with the new motherboard.
Carefully position the motherboard on top of the brass standoffs, line up all the holes, and use the screws that accompanied the case to fasten down the motherboard. If you are using a removable tray in your system, slide the tray and motherboard back into the case and then secure the tray.
The Color-Coded Power Cables:
Making the proper connections is crucial to your successful PC system build. Fortunately, manufacturers now provide color-coded power cables and unique connector shapes to make the job easy.
First, plug the large ATX power connector for your power supply into the matching port on your motherboard. Next, locate the smaller, square processor power connector ( you can't miss it - it's the one sprouting the yellow and black wires) and attach it to the motherboard. Note: your connector is usually located near the processor. As always, refer to your motherboard manual for the exact locations. Use your motherboard user manual and find the description about front-panel connectors. Be forewarned - you're going to be doing work now that requires attention to detail and can be quite frustrating if you don't go into it with the right attitude. Attach each of the tiny leads from the power and reset switches, the hard-disk activity lights, the PC speaker, and any front-panel USB and FireWire ports to the corresponding pin on your motherboard. The needle-nose pliers are useful for manipulating small pieces.
To install the video card, first remove the backplane cover for your AGP or PCI Express X16 slot (the metal piece where the monitor connector will emerge), install the graphics board in that slot, and then secure the card with a screw. Some graphics boards require a dedicated connection to your PC's power supply. If yours does, you should plug in the correct power connector now. Some video cards allow the insertion of a second video card connected to the first (see CrossFire) - if you purchased such a configuration, install and connect the second video card.
Make sure you get the features you want:
Most graphics boards today let you connect a second display to your PC. If you'd like to use your PC to record TV, a board with an integrated TV tuner is a good choice. Although USB based TV tuners are also an easy upgrade.
PCI Express:
This is the next generation of video display. The latest graphics cards now use PCI Express, an improved version of the AGP slot on most PCs. The actual performance boost you can expect depends on your application.
Gamers Don't Skimp On The Video Card:
An integrated graphics processor (GPU) is vital to fast game performance and the most realistic visual experience. Dual Video Card solutions provide even more performance.
Connect a keyboard, mouse, monitor, and power cable to your computer and turn it on.
If the internal fans begin to whir, the system beeps, and you see the machine starting to boot, power down (by holding the power button for 5 seconds) and continue building. If nothing happens, back up a step and recheck all of your connections. Make sure that both the processor and the memory are properly seated, and recheck those minuscule leads connecting the motherboard to the power and reset switches.
If it performs as expected, shut down your PC, unplug it, and open the case.
Now it's time to install your drives. It's an easy process, but again requires attention to detail.
Make any necessary changes to jumpers on the drives before mounting them in the case. A two-drive system (one or two SATA hard drives, plus one parallel ATA optical drive, for example) is easy to set up; the SATA drives are jumper less, and the optical drive can be set as master on its own parallel ATA channel. Many cases have removable drive rails or cages to house drives. Use the included screws to attach your drives to the rails or cage, and slide them into the case. For externally accessible drives such as a DVD recorder, you can save time by installing one drive rail and sliding the drive in for a test fitting to make sure that its front is flush with the case.
When the drives are installed, connect power and data cables to each one. Parallel ATA drives use wide, flat data cables that can be installed only in the correct way. Floppy drives use a similar but smaller cable; SATA drives use a thin, 1cm-wide data cable. SATA drives use a new type of power connector that many power supplies don't come with. Fortunately, many motherboards ship with adapters for converting a standard four-pin power connector to a SATA power connector.
The flat, wide ribbon cables that Parallel ATA drives use to carry data can restrict airflow inside your case, robbing your system of valuable cooling; and functionality aside. Rounded data cables available at your local PC store look much nicer, and they don't impede airflow.
Some drives ship with both the older connector and the SATA power connector. In that case, use one power connector or the other, but not both. The capacity of hard drives continues to increase: You can now hold over 1TB (Terabyte or 1,000GB) of data on a single drive. But though you don't have to compromise on the drive's size, you still have a few choices to make when picking a hard disks.
Data Safety - Choose RAID:
RAID, which stands for Redundant Array of Independent Disks, lets you use multiple hard drives to boost disk speed or to keep a mirrored backup of your data in case a drive fails. Either setup requires multiple identical drives, and configuring them calls for a slightly complex configuration. An increasing number of systems use a configuration called RAID 0, which can significantly increase system speeds for data reading and writing. To configure your drives for RAID 0, first select a pair of drives that match the storage capacity you want. With 160GB hard drives available for under $90 and with RAID support included on most new motherboards, RAID can be a great value.
Serial ATA:
Most motherboards now include SATA support, and going with an SATA drive will make your system easier to set up and your drive simpler to move to a future PC when the time comes.
When build a new PC, adding a fast optical drive can increase its flexibility. And even if you're on a budget, drives that read and burn any format are now inexpensive.
Install The Add-In Cards
For each add-in card, you must choose a free PCI slot - remove its backplane cover to allow access from the rear of the case, carefully position the card above the slot, and press down firmly to seat the card. Secure the card with a screw. Many motherboards have additional sound connectors or ports housed on small add-in boards. Some of these plug into slots on the motherboard; others screw into the back of the case in place of slot covers. Usually the additional ports are not essential to your PC's operation. For example, if you install a sound card, you do not need connectors to the motherboard's built-in sound chip. Check your motherboard manual to determine what each of these boards does.
Turn It On
Check your PC Set Up:
It's time to turn on your system and check your PC set up. Be sure the keyboard, mouse, and monitor are all plugged into the appropriate ports on the back of the PC. Plug the power cord back in, and turn the machine on.
When prompted, enter your PC's BIOS setup screen by pressing the indicated key (often Delete) as the machine boots. Menu options will vary from motherboard to motherboard, but they share the same general categories. Set the date and time, and then look for a setting that deals with PC health status and monitoring. That choice should bring up a screen showing processor and case temperature. Watch the processor temperature for a few minutes. It should stabilize at a level between 30°C and 50°C. If it keeps increasing, your heat sink probably isn't installed properly. Power down and check to see whether the heat sink is securely attached and making good contact with the processor. Next, find the section of the BIOS setup that determines the order in which your machine checks drives and devices for one it can boot from. Set CD-ROM to the highest priority so that your machine will boot from the Windows installation CD.
Before Installing Windows
You may be "cloning" a PC, and want to copy the same configuration. To do this you would use a "ghosting" tool to create an exact copy of the data from the first PC on the new one. Follow the instructions for the software to perform this operation. Some create the clone before the OS is installed, some afterwards.
You are just a couple of steps away from using your new custom-built personal computer. Now you will install the operating system and then update your drivers, and install the programs.
First, place the Windows installation CD in your optical drive, reboot the PC, and allow the system to boot off the disc (assuming you setup the BIOS to boot from the CD/DVD). Windows setup should begin.
Early in the process, Windows may ask you whether you need to install a third-party SCSI or RAID driver. If you're using a RAID setup, press F6 when this message appears; then insert the disc containing the appropriate driver when it is requested.
Important Note: If your machine hangs while installing Windows, there may be a problem with one of the components. Try removing everything except the core components (motherboard, processor, one memory module, and hard drives); then, once you've successfully installed Windows, begin reinstalling each component one by one to isolate the source of the problem.
Update Drivers
Once Windows is up and running, the last step in this process is to update your hardware drivers. This is not an optional procedure. Insert the CD with the latest drivers (downloaded from the web, or provided otherwise by the manufacturers) and install them, starting with those for the motherboard and graphics card and then moving on to less critical ones like mouse and sound card drivers. (Windows comes with basic drivers to get you up and running, but specific or updated drivers are vital.) Several reboots later, you should have a fully updated PC!
Install Your Software
After installing the operating system, you will need to install the software you will be using, such as Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, and others. Some software will require registration or validation, so have the original discs with the software registration or license key ready. After installing the software, you may need to validate the software with the manufacturer or published via the web or by phone. Once this is all done, you are ready to use your new PC!
Labels: Computer